At the Centre pool, you can enjoy cruising down the 96 foot water slide or, for our smaller members, the minnow slide or turtle slide. The climbing wall is a great way to enjoy a splash. Kids of all ages can walk on water with our AquaObstacle Course. The hot tub is available for anyone 16 years of age and older.
We have 25-yard lap lanes, is zero-depth entry, and open for families to enjoy together! Lifeguards are on duty at all times. The water is a comfortable 85 degrees all year round.
Pool use is free with your membership! If you are not a Centre Member, you can purchase a day pass. Check out the pool schedule for days and times.
If it’s your first time visiting, see below for our Pool Rules and Safety Standards.

Pool Rules
- Do not enter the pool with a communicable disease or open cut.
- Do not bring food, drink, gum, or tobacco in the pool.
- Take a shower before entering the pool and after use of the toilet facilities.
- Do not run or engage in rough play.
- Do not bring animals into the pool area.
- No changing diapers on the pool deck.
- No glass and other breakable items allowed on the pool deck.
- No head first entries (diving) in the shallow end.
- Do not perform extended breath holding activities.
- Swim diapers and plastic pants are required if not potty trained.
- No water wings and other inflatable flotation devices allowed.
- Only US Coast Guard (USCG) approved life jackets are allowed and a guardian may request a Centre life jacket.
- Life jackets are allowed in the deep end only if the guardian stays within an arm’s reach of the child.
- Noodles are allowed but must be used in a respectful manner. Noodles may not be used in place of a life jacket.
- No throwing people or allowing people on shoulders.
- No hanging on ropes or lane lines.
- Do not wear street clothes (clothes with zippers) in the pool.
- No name-calling or inappropriate language tolerated.
- Do not spit or spout of water from the mouth. Do not blow your nose in the pool.
- Absolutely no cell phone or camera use in the pool area.
- Guards have the authority to remove members from the facility for failure to adhere to the rules and endangering the safety of themselves and others.
- Children 5 and under must have a guardian in the pool with them within an arm’s reach.
- Children 6 and 7 must have a guardian on the pool deck.
- Children 8 and 9 can be in the pool without direct supervision but a guardian must remain in the facility.
- Life guards have the final say on all pool rules and guidelines.
Safety Standards
Safety is our number one priority. It’s important we ensure the safety of anyone that uses the pool. When someone goes into the deep end, they need to be comfortable enough to go under the water, orientate themselves, and be able to swim a distance to reach the wall.
Deep End Swim Test for Pink Wristbands
All guests and members under the age of 16 years will need to wear a pink wristband to use the deep end. This includes lap lanes, climbing wall, AquaObstacle Course, and slide (if under 48″ and riding solo). The deep end swim test will require successful completion of the following skills:
1. Jump into 12 feet of water without goggles.
2. Recover without wiping eyes.
3. Tread water for 15 seconds.
4. Swim 25 yards with face in the water and arms out of the water (no doggy paddle).
5. Must put face in at least 3 times throughout the 25 yard swim.
What This Means for Swimmers
A deep end swim test can be given by a lifeguard at any time. While this means a little bit of extra time, we value all swimmers’ safety and believe this is an important step to take. Thank you for understanding.